单鑫 特聘研究员,博士生导师




Ÿ 建筑室内环境对建筑使用者的影响

Ÿ 节能材料对建筑节能与环境的作用及影响

Ÿ 建筑材料的环境影响与可持续评估








2020年7月-2022年2月:南洋理工大学,土木与环境工程学院,博士后研究员(Research fellow)

2019年7月-2020年7月:南洋理工大学,能源研究所,博士后研究员(Research fellow)


现为同济大学材料科学与工程学院特聘研究员,入选2021年上海市青年人才计划。学习与工作期间参与了Singapore-Berkeley Building Efficiency and Sustainability in the Tropics、Cool Singapore、Field Demonstration of Bendable Concrete Precast Pavement等新加坡政府资助项目的研究,并与新加坡国立大 学、加州大学伯克利分校等相关研究团队开展了合作研究,具有工程与经济等交叉学科的相关教育背景 与研究基础。研究领域为建筑室内环境对建筑使用者的影响,建筑材料的环境影响与可持续评估,节能 材料对建筑节能与环境的作用及影响等。在Energy & Buildings、Building and Environment、Journal of Cleaner Production和Resources, Conservation & Recycling等JCR Q1区期刊发表了多篇论文。


Ÿ Singapore-Berkeley Building Efficiency and Sustainability in the Tropics(新加坡政府资助项目,2012- 2017)     

Ÿ Cool Singapore(新加坡政府资助项目,2016-2020)

Ÿ Field Demonstration of Bendable Concrete Precast Pavement(新加坡政府资助项目,2016-2022)


[1] Xin Shan, Vienna Zhi Yu Neo, En-Hua Yang, Mobile app-aided design thinking approach to promote upcycling in Singapore, Journal of Cleaner Production 317 (2021) 128502.          

[2] Xin Shan, En-Hua Yang, Supervised machine learning of thermal comfort under different indoor temperatures using EEG measurements, Energy & Buildings 225 (2020) 110305.

[3] Xin Shan, Wei Loong Ang, En-Hua Yang, Mobile app-aided risks, attitudes, norms, abilities and selfregulation (RANAS) approach for recycling behavioral change in Singapore, Resources, Conservation & Recycling 162 (2020) 105049.

[4] Xin Shan, En-Hua Yang, Jin Zhou, Victor W.C. Chang, Neural-signal electroencephalogram (EEG) methods to improve human-building interaction under different indoor air quality, Energy & Buildings 197 (2019) 188-195.

[5] Xin Shan, En-Hua Yang, Jin Zhou, Victor W.-C. Chang, Human-building interaction under various indoor temperatures through neural-signal electroencephalogram (EEG) methods, Building and Environment 129 (2018) 46-53.

[6] Xin Shan, Anastasia Nissa Melina, En-Hua Yang, Impact of indoor environmental quality on students' wellbeing and performance in educational building through life cycle costing perspective, Journal of Cleaner Production 204 (2018) 298-309.

[7] Xin Shan, Jin Zhou, Victor W.-C. Chang, En-Hua Yang, Life cycle assessment of adoption of local recycled aggregates and green concrete in Singapore perspective, Journal of Cleaner Production 164 (2017) 918-926.

[8] Xin Shan, Jin Zhou, Victor W.-C. Chang, En-Hua Yang, Comparing mixing and displacement ventilation in tutorial rooms: students' thermal comfort, sick building syndromes, and short-term performance, Building and Environment 102 (2016) 128-137

Copyright 同济大学材料科学与工程学院土木工程材料系
